Priority Service
We will always make sure you are serviced ahead of customers who are not members.
No Overtime Charges
Need us after hours, on a weekend or a holiday? Don’t worry about it! We won’t charge you any overtime fees – only our standard Monday through Friday rate.
Bi-Annual System Checks
We will come out twice a year to perform your Spring and Fall system check. With our 28 point annual cooling inspection, and 20 point heating inspection, you can guarantee your system is being taken care of the way it should! Don’t worry about scheduling, we will contact you to find a time that works for you.
Peace Of Mind
You will be at ease knowing that you chose the wise thing to do! Rest assured knowing that your unit is operating safely and efficiently. Not just that, but when your system is maintained regularly, it will have an increased life. We don’t call them Smart Perks for nothing!
MAX out on all the discounts you get after joining our program!